Si te interesa el Bienestar de los Animales aquí puedes aclarar dudas y encontrar información veraz. NO es un espacio sobre "protección animal" ni sobre los "derechos de los animales". El BIENESTAR ANIMAL es un tema TÉCNICO, una CIENCIA basada en hechos CIENTÍFICOS sin connotaciones emotivas o filosóficas. El Consejo Profesional de Médicos Veterinarios (Argentina), la ha reconocido como "ESPECIALIDAD PROFESIONAL" (2011).

miércoles, 20 de julio de 2011

Launch event of the Argentine Policy on Responsible Ownership and Health of Dogs and Cats; Words of the Chief of Staff


Thanks a lot to be here. I’ll try to plot more or less part of our position and what the vision we have of this and what are the two cornerstones of the position that we summarizing today, as decision of the President's Office. The position we taken on the meaning of responsible ownership of dogs and cats we have demonstrated many years ago. From this we talked for a long time and we both know what we thought about it, what is the objective we pursue with this, and from the first moment I exhibit the best we could with the government of President Kirchner and his “okey” speaking or writing rather that mayors or governors to those that we need to have the gesture: do not make the mistake of doing the things you are doing wrong because they say they are doing wrong.
It's a lie that society has a euthanasia vocation, is a lie that, as Mayor I appreciate for many years because they always appeared at meetings of neighbors who had been taking the lead and say, "Look, we can more there to put the truck to capture dogs –perrera- in the neighborhood. " And then we both hand grasped the issue that the first answer was yes,  capture with the “kennel truck” . Then let the system aside and kept on talking all you want, but when I finished the issue and as we were leaving we had to let them stand up and say, "Well, you take over, then I send to the pound." Then skip one of those was at the meeting and said, "Wait, wait, no kennel truck!." Then the other said "no," and the latter saying that it was he who had proposed the idea. Neither is this vocation of animal’s mass destruction, sacrifice and killing for killing the pet, the dog or cat. We cannot leave things as they are, then we have to think and analyze. I have no doubt that tomorrow this analysis we are doing today, and that has the two central axis that I’ll try to explain, some people will try to demean or trivialize, but we who understand that this is the issue and I know there are a lot of people around the country looking at what we are looking at we’re going to have a little more to defend an idea that belongs to everyone and that we were discussing for a long time, as best we could.
We feel that we should interfere in this issue, work, do something, say, write, put it in our blogs, comment, call the attention of those who could not tell why the error was, how to solve things, help is always something could be done, but something was always inadequate. We understood we had to set a standard that reflects the preservation of public health. Of course it is the central axis, we have to be arguing, but you have to have a deep respect for biodiversity.
We were taking all the rules: the UN decision, taken at 67 'and UNESCO, speaking on time of "bad or cruel treatment to animals." He also spoke of the right to live and grow in freedom and living conditions for the species, a respect for self, how to work, learning to work with, how to interact with him to protect our pets. In 1990, the World Health Organization developed a guide - we all know - that was used in the best way, but always ends up being insufficient when the state is not the promoter, to activate strongly about that position for us to get all the estates of government, the provinces and municipalities, will conceive the idea as unique, never to be born knowing.
I am a member of the Peron’s party from the first to last of the hairs of my head, and I remember in 73 'Juan Peron point out in a letter to world leaders that when need speak of natural resources. All of us for whom what he said that Peron’s words were holy went to read it to see what it said. And what was it that said this man? That natural resources were exhausted, he could not play with water, it was imperative that he paid attention to see what was happening. And many of us say, 'this man is crazy, what you caught with this thing. " But 20 years later, in 1993, is the first meeting in Rio, where is Bill Clinton - you remember - to talk about climate, global warming, greenhouse effect, the things that mattered to us all. Then in the same way, we ought to start putting a grain, of course I'm not comparing myself to anyone, not anyone pretend parallels with this, but as I saw at that time, I also see at other times of life, where conditions are so we can discuss the same subject all who think the same way, with certain behaviors that are not good and that the State has an obligation to participate.
In 1891, there was already a law, 2786, condemning the abuse, the September 27, 1954, the Act of Antonio Benítez, which is known as the Law Sarmiento, 14346, which incorporated even prison sentences for violations mistreatment of animals, appears in a process time of the decree law that declares of national interest the fight against rabies, including the sacrifice of animals that were infected with rabies. We in the modern things we encounter provinces such as Mendoza and Buenos Aires province have already legislated on the condition is not euthanasia; cities like Rosario or Almirante Brown, in the province of Buenos Aires, Puerto Madryn or Chubut have been regulated on responsible pet ownership, vaccination, sterilization, euthanasia practices, and encouraging responsible ownership as the focus of this discussion we want to give. We talk about animal health, food, protected space for inclement weather, space to eliminate waste, deworming, etc.
But talk about an axis, which is mentioned in the rule, as one of the core, we must do together, so the importance of all of you who are aware of this issue one hundred thousand times more than I participate and cooperate because it is imperative that all this should mean the control have to talk about surgical sterilization is essential to control the indiscriminate breeding.
Responsible ownership and care not only leads to good treatment of animals, but what we want to understand and realize that contributes to the welfare of the community as a whole. Is not petting the dog, the fact is in the background, a background discussion. But one of the most important issues we deal with this program, referred to public health, due to the overpopulation of dogs and cats, is the transmission of diseases such as rabies, hydatidosis, toxocariasis, leptospirosis, brucellosis and toxoplasmosis. All these diseases are liable to be transmitted from animal to person.

But we all know, deep down, that is what is worrying us much: the Minister of Health, the President's Office, primarily, and therefore motivated us more than anything to push this car to transform this legislation that comes to those who love our puppies.
Here is the sister of the President and the puppies of Presidential’ s home: Martita, Cleo, Vito and greetings from Ernesto, my dog. What we're thinking this is what we do with leishmaniasis, the importance of working hard in terms of leishmaniasis. They say a million things and often say millions of things that are not known. Chatting with the specialists, John, or with other friends with whom we have spoken, if swinging a number how many dogs can be in the NEA-NOA: a million, how many may have leishmaniasis, a ten per cent is a hundred thousand dogs . We're talking about a staggering amount that must be treated, and how well we're putting together the program is the possibility that visceral leishmaniasis should be examined by those who will represent the three points and from one point we will leave the answer to this discussion. So this is the core of what we are proposing today is not only responsible ownership of dogs and cats, which we welcome all who are present here today, because neither has reason to look down or turn red so to speak. We love our pets, we love our dogs and we love our cats, but the few that is very important that we put at the forefront of the struggle and discussion on a topic as deep as necessary as is the transformation of this leishmaniasis and that is a definite solution, permitting a few years, the massive uptake by the ordering of all we have to do, work that necessarily have to do together.
At present, slaughter and euthanasia as a method of population control of dogs and cats has also been of unethical, I do not need to explain too much, and ineffective and inefficient. No act on the root causes, have never worked, they will not resolve never, no never going to get. (Applause). So I talked with the Health Minister and the President's Office, we have proposed as a preventive method and suitable for controlling the overpopulation of dogs and cats is what I just said: surgical sterilization, an accepted method worldwide, we are not inventing anything.
The municipalities mentioned, the three towns just mentioned, the case of Rosario, the case of Admiral Brown, who has been doing a very good job with previous mayors and also I want to acknowledge it, and I told the current mayor , a friend of mine, and that previous mayors were my friends and I insisted that I not cut the rope, anyone who talks about everyone claims, do not miss this opportunity to continue to support the defense of such an important , like the one by your municipality, it is important for all speakers, and the mayor, I guess, it has been understood and supported. (Applause)
This sterilization campaign should be organized strategically is not an issue that we have to solve the rolled her to look good or anything like that. The principle of the strategy, how it addresses, how it gets to the heart and how it complies with this issue is critical because we are talking about sterilization, which is just what the announcer said, to be operative, early, massive, systematics, of both sexes, which will be extended in time, comprehensive and free. (Applause).

For these reasons and express instructions of the President's Office, we believe, as of today, the 6088 decree, which just signed the Minister Manzur, and the speaker, following the signature of the President's Office creates the National Program on Health and Responsible Ownership of Dogs and Cats so called our program. (Applause). It is an implementation unit that will work in the field of Health Ministry of the importance of what you just said.
We understand that it is essential that we resolve the problems that can bring our people, solving the problem of our dogs and our cats. And for that we should not kill them, you have to solve them. Resolve it in the best way, if bloated population, we must seek ways to lower those working in the area to join us, as we do with stray dogs to give us a hand because the state alone cannot solved it, if not give us a third hand, we do not pass over the vets. It is essential that here be all who know and know fully what is going to do a job in serious, respectful, caring way, with a minimum of care for the animal. Not everyone is able, at best, to be tapped and this kind of thing that execution unit will have to go strategic coordinator, guiding and closing with each of the areas with which we will be agreeing to this.
It is essential throughout this closure, but with a huge goal of health policy. An enormous goal of health policy, strongly pursue this solution, which ensures that lower the risk of zoonotic diseases preserving human health. Then no one can minimize the situation. We like dogs and cats with madness, why not. Why do I have to hide myself to say that I love my dog ​​deeply, like  part of my family and I could not be away with it. But that I can also do so to help nothing happens to these zoonotic diseases that can accompany our cats and our dogs, solving the problem by treating it properly and not letting you get to one end that hypertrophy the population, develop in an inappropriate manner, that no one has control and an end to thinking that the only solution is to go through their lives and we do not agree so, we believe we can solve it another way, cleverly creating this area. (Applause).

We understand and believe that just can not do this alone, and that's essential to have the provinces working with us. Since there are provinces that have experience and we will take through the Executing Unit, which will be composed of one representative from the Ministry of Health, Social Development representative and a representative of the Chief of Staff, through the Ministry of Environment. What we seek in this is the agreement with the provinces, with municipalities, with the faculties of Veterinary Science, with professional colleges, the institutes and with you, with NGOs who know the subject. To those who know you have to sit down and talk to make things right, not a problem illuminated from behind the desk, is a serious problem with the things we are doing.
Whereupon I have told them the focus of what we are trying to launch today, we did this time, in this day and this place because the President wanted to participate because it is so animal lover like us, but his trip to Rosario had to anticipate - due to weather conditions- and we could not do this. We'll do it another time, you will not miss the opportunity, and representatives of the house dogs are all thanks to the sister of the President, who has been with us too. (Applause).

We are in a task that has a very large scale, is not an easy issue, it is a big issue, it is imperative that this committee that we will quickly form and we will begin to make contact, to relieve, to build an inventory strategy, development of the area, knowledge of the area of ​​strategic definitions in terms of diseases of the places where they happen, the knowledge of veterinarians, it is essential to think of them. And this is an issue that could not miss: being fulfilled in the coming days, and I asked the President's Office to make special mention in the topic, 250 years of the life of the veterinary activity in the world congratulations to all who are vets and have chosen this noble profession. (Applause). Whereupon, from tomorrow, will see published in the Official Gazette, Decree 1088, which says nothing more or less what I'm telling you, is nothing to find solutions to what we always believed that had to be sought and we found not much around, we decided, is the state sponsor that has to be at the forefront of this, in coordination with the provinces and municipalities need of veterinarians because it has to ensure the care and protection of the lives of our animals while these events occur. We need you, the NGOs who have done their own, often raising his voice, often through social networks, often in one form or another up your complaint to be understood and managed to avoid stupid and unnecessary killing, of our animals and we can work together and the best way to do that than we like it look the same but also taking care of the lives of our fellow citizens who, ultimately, also deserve respect. And for that we need to know what happens to our animals, which we are fulfilling the two essential steps for it.
Thank you for coming and God bless you. (Applause)

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